
Showing posts from October, 2016

Old Boat on Beach

Creating Texture with Layering: Old Boat 1. Pencil trace the boat and horizon line lightly. Boat should not be centered on canvas. 2.Tone canvas with a thin layer of Unbleached Titanium. Let dry. 3. Sketch horizon and boat with Yellow Ochre. 4. Add shadow of boat to sand. Size of shadow must be smaller than size of boat. 5. Create layer of rust and damaged wood on boat. First use Yellow Ochre and follow with Burnt Sienna. Create warm undertone for boat shadow with Burnt Sienna. 6. Using dry brush begin to apply layers to surface of boat. Use Cobalt Blue for rim of boat. Use mixture of Unbleached Titanium, Cobalt Blue, and Mars Black for side of boat. Build color slowly and allow rust/weathering to show through. 7. Add details to strip of wood that is in sun on top of boat with mixture of Cobalt Blue and Titanium White.  8. Keep adding details with layers of paint. 9.Use Mars Black to create shadow under boat. Create sharp line between boat and sand. Create s

Autumn Landscape

Session One: 1. Use a 2" x 4" kitchen sponge for this painting! Wet canvas with water. Wash in sky with Cobalt Blue. 2. Titanium White clouds. 3. Block in dark areas of tree one with Sap Green and Raw Umber. 4. Add a second tree of shorter height. 5. Block in grass area leaving texture. Session Two: 6. Make tree trunks with Burnt Umber. 7. Warm foliage with medium mixture of Sap Green, Raw Umber, and Cadmium Yellow Medium. 8. Highlights on foliage with Sap Green, Raw Umber, and Titanium White. Leave tree base dark. 9. Create grass with upward flicks and strokes of dark foliage base color. 10. With Sap Green and Yellow Ochre apply areas of dry grass. 11. More areas of dry grass. Connect some of them and vary the size and shape. 12. Place two bushes with Raw Sienna.   13. Add Unbleached Titanium for lighter leaves. 14. Enrich the fall colors of the bushes with Burnt Sienna. 15. Add a dash of Purple to bush bases to create shade and s